contr. P.I. (anonymus):
Paralinguistic Communication

  Another revealing Lie Detecting Tip
from a regular contributor:


by: Private Investigator (anonymus)

2 Pages - Page 1

"The paralinguistic channel of communication is defined as speech characteristics falling outside of the spoken word. Just as a subject's nonverbal behavior can completely alter the meaning of words within a verbal response, paralinguistic behaviors can modify the meaning behind words."

A conversation:
Joe: "Hey Mike, I've got to pick my kid up from baseball practice in a half an hour. Would you mind staying late to write this report?"
Mike: "Oh sure. No problem."

To illustrate the significance of paralinguistic communication, read Mike's response out-loud first in a sincere manner, where Mike does not mind writing the report at all. Then read Mike's response in a sarcastic manner, where he expresses clear resentment in being asked to write the report. If you are like most people, you altered your voice inflection, as well as rate and pitch to send two different messages using the same words. During an interview, monitoring a subject's paralinguistic behaviors can offer great insight into the true meaning behind the words used in a response. A number of paraliguistic clues have been identified that relate to a subject's truthfulness or deception. The following discussion relates to only three of these.

Response latency is defined as the duration of time between the last word of the investigator's question and the first word of the subject's response. Research reveals that the average response latency for truthful subjects is 0.5 seconds, whereas the average latency for liars is 1.5 seconds. Especially when a subject is asked a straight-forward question such as, "Last night did you see her at all?" a denial that comes after a two or three second delay should be viewed as highly suspicious.

An extended response latency is the result of the subject mentally deciding whether to tell the whole truth, part of the truth, or a whole lie. Often a liar will attempt to fill this period of silence by repeating the interviewer's question, e.g., "Did I see Jimmy at all last night? No, I did not."
Another common technique to stall for time is for the liar to ask his interviewer to clarify a question:
Q: "Did you have sexual contact with your step-daughter?"
A: "What exactly do you mean?"
Q: "At any time did you have sexual contact with your step-daughter?"
A: "Oh no. I would never do that."


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